We Are Gatherers
It’s a basic function of all people. We are gatherers. No, not just gatherers of food. We gather something more basic to how humans function. We gather information about the
Continue readingIt’s a basic function of all people. We are gatherers. No, not just gatherers of food. We gather something more basic to how humans function. We gather information about the
Continue readingWe know nothing at birth. Knowing becomes the name of the game in life. It’s true, life is a game of sorts. And we can’t play it without knowing the
Continue readingThis article will involve self-reflection and, for some, a self-revelation. Getting to know this “vehicle” (body, material part) and soul (immaterial part) you are driving through life is very important.
Continue readingWe seldom think about how we are made. Nor do we worry about it, right? Too many things demand our attention. We probably know as much or more about the
Continue readingWe have examined the way the individual letters that represent the energy centers of life display the emotional forces behind them. The variety of emotions that a different profile can
Continue readingStress-reducing emotions rule the Ps for the most part. What one can’t do today will wait for the morrow. (And few of us have any rejection to stress reduction methods,
Continue readingThe feeling of urgency dominates the J’s world. Let’s do it now! Therefore, the J fears the unfinished task and having the unfinished tasks back up to produce anxiety. A
Continue reading“Do Fs ever think?” ponder the Ts. Yes, they do, but not without feeling. Feelings are front and center to the Fs, demanding attention, coloring decisions with their judgments, showing
Continue reading“Do they have any?” wonder the Fs. Yes, logical thinkers have emotions! Everyone has emotions — and uses them. However, Ts (“thinkers”) place their emphasis in decision making on analysis
Continue reading“Thinkers versus feelers” (T or F) is a way of differentiating between two ways of judging the information we gather from the world around us and within us. Thinkers favor
Continue readingFrom the world of the S’s practical emotions, we move to the world of the N’s intuitive and secretive emotions. Theirs is the inside world, where inside information receives dominant
Continue readingAll temperaments experience the same emotions — but differently. To compare emotions of the different temperaments, we are breaking things down to compare emotions in each of the pairs of
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