This brings us to the principle of reinforcement. We can reinforce our dominant thought by repeating it in our virtual world (virtual practice) or by repeating it in our real world by acting it out or talking it out. But be ware! “Principle Eight: The More We Think or Talk About Something, the More We Improve the Chances of It Happening” applies whether what we are reinforcing is good or bad.
Whether Good or Bad
Reinforcement increases our chances of an outcome whether the thought is good or bad. Therefore, we must be sure that we are focused on the outcome we want.
Three ways to improve the chances of your thoughts taking your life captive:
- Repeat them in your mind (your virtual world).
- Act them out in the real world.
- Talk about them.
If you wish to change your life quickly, repeat these three frequently!
We Can Improve Our Chances with Reinforcement
Our minds can’t tell the difference between the actual and the imaginary if it is vividly performed, so mental practice is as potent as actual practice in the real world. Rehearsing a play, a speech, or (as Waitley points out) even a golf swing in the mind has similar effects to doing it live. Mental practice with intense focus is as beneficial as physical practice because the messages are sent through the brain in the same manner.
Practice is a way of reinforcing patterns of mental or physical behavior so as to ingrain them. So if you want greater strength of will or character or purpose, reinforce its pattern by thinking, talking, writing, and doing it, over and over.
Power Is Generated by Repetition.
When we apply this principle, the creative forces of the human system are liberated and stimulated so as to heighten the chances of a sudden break-through or the development of a masterpiece. Repeated positive thought patterns build mental muscle.
Resources to Help You:
Our first and most important task in a world-changing mission is to learn how to think straight (and teach straight thinking) and combat the insurgence of crooked thinking in our culture and in our world today. If we become passive victims of this crooked way of thinking, we promote it. Furthermore, if we remain silent, we also give it credence. In Who Am I?, the reader progresses from how we have become “crooked thinkers” to how to break out of this prison of the mind to become instruments of change for a better world. We do this by recognizing from where we derive our value as humans. “Build a straight and powerful mind.” ~ Ray W. Lincoln
Lean into the whole truth. Discover the truth of who YOU are — the “Real You” — and who your children truly are. Discover how to best engage your children in finding the whole truth. INNERKINETICS, Your Blueprint to Excellence
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