We have addressed the importance of our mind’s health and best functioning. Additionally, let’s now direct our thoughts to an area that both affects the mind and is affected by our minds: emotion. Actually, thinking and feeling are often posed as opposites, as contras, as counter influences. How accurate is that assessment? When we use the term “emotional intelligence,” notice the root words involved — emotion and intelligence (implying use of the mind, thinking or thought). Why do we so often express them as in conflict? Can we have emotional intelligence without intelligent emotions? Can we successfully separate the mind and emotion? Consider the following quotes as we begin this new study.
A Kaleidoscope of Quotations About Emotion
“It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine De Saint-Exupery in “The Little Prince.”
“Ahab never thinks, he just feels, feels, feels.”
Herman Melville, “Moby-Dick”
“Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.”
Horace Walpole
“My love was so hot as mighty nigh to burst my boilers.”
Davy Crockett
“Children are given to us to discourage our better emotions.”
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro)
“When we direct our thoughts properly we can control our emotions.”
W. Clement Stone
“I don’t believe people die from hard work; they die from stress and worry and fear — the negative emotions.”
A. L. Williams
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and strength…and your neighbor as yourself.”
Everyone Has Emotion — EVERYONE
Yes, everyone, without exception, has emotion. Therefore, let’s begin a practical study of how all the temperaments struggle with emotion. More importantly, let’s study how to win the struggles and become emotionally intelligent.
Temperament and Emotion
All of history has witnessed the connection between the temperaments and emotions. In fact, whatever is your temperament, emotions are an issue in your life. So it follows that an understanding of them will enrich your thinking and your living.
Youth Needs Guidance in Emotion
As a matter of fact, we all know adults who struggle with emotion. Even more, our teenagers are the very embodiment of emotion. The teen years are an emotional training ground where emotional control is either won or it is postponed to be learned later in adulthood — to the person’s detriment. Helping children gain emotional intelligence by teaching them early the tools of intelligent emotions will give them a great advantage in life. Consequently, it is imperative that we possess the knowledge and understanding ourselves so we can properly convey it to them.
Resources to Help You:
Are there such things as intelligent emotions? This book will argue that there are and they are the ones we must focus on if we want to know success.
Drawing from the critical literature on temperament psychology, Ray W. Lincoln will show us how understanding the patterns of emotion in our temperament will enable us to manage our emotions effectively. Frustration, hurt, anger, loneliness, and jealousy are just some of the emotions we need to have in our control — not “off the leash” and attacking us. If you long to know how to understand your emotions and the immense power of your feelings, Intelligently Emotional will show you the way. The path to real emotional intelligence requires learning to partner with intelligent emotions. Understand why you (or your child) act the way you do, and learn how to manage and maximize the power of your emotions in your life.
Lean into the whole truth. Discover the truth of who YOU are — the “Real You” — and who your children truly are. Discover how to best engage your children in finding the whole truth. INNERKINETICS, Your Blueprint to Excellence
Our team at InnerKinetics is ready to provide that help, too. If you’d like some assistance, you can request a consultation. An InnerKinetics consultant will call you to answer questions and schedule your meeting. Schedule an Initial Consultation. Alternatively, if you are more independent and want to cut to the chase, you need not wait for a call back. You can get answers to your questions and schedule your session HERE.
Our first and most important task in a world-changing mission is to learn how to think straight (and teach straight thinking) and combat the insurgence of crooked thinking in our culture and in our world today. If we become passive victims of this crooked way of thinking, we promote it. Furthermore, if we remain silent, we also give it credence. In Who Am I?, the reader progresses from how we have become “crooked thinkers” to how to break out of this prison of the mind to become instruments of change for a better world. We do this by recognizing from where we derive our value as humans. “Build a straight and powerful mind.” ~ Ray W. Lincoln