How to Delete Memories from Active Use

Delete Memories, Clear Cache

With the development of computers, it became very easy to revise copy and images.  Just “select” and “delete”!  You can replace whatever you do not like by deleting it and replacing it  with something better.  It’s more difficult to delete memories from our minds.  However, we can employ similar methods in order to heal from trauma, become peaceful, achieve success, and become our best selves.  Let’s examine two methods we can use to achieve the good results we are looking for.

Two Methods to Delete Memories

First Method: Don’t Recall

We should ponder research suggesting that when we recall a memory, we strengthen it.  Every time we recall a thought we want to get rid of, we increase its hold over us.  The more we recall it, the more it tightens its grip.  This would suggest that if you want to get rid of a thought, resist thinking that thought again.  In other words, delete memories that are harmful.  Conversely, if we want a thought to grip us, we should repeat it.  

Method Two: Recall and Rewrite

So far, so good.  However, there is another way to erase a thought or delete memories, and I think it is much more effective.  Research suggests that we erase a memory/thought by rewriting it every time we recall it.  This suggests that if we want to erase a memory or a thought, we need to play it back first and then rewrite it with another thought.  This works for me.  I have found it works for many others, too.  Here are the steps… 

  1. Recall the undesired thought.
  2. Write over it the thought you want in its place.
  3. Repeat that new thought until it has a grip on you.  
  4. If you have come to believe the new thought, the method will work.  But if you don’t believe what you rewrite in your mind, it will not take root.  We are transformed by what we believe.  

Remake Your Life

With this methodology, we can demolish arguments that have unsettled our minds and those which contradict our beliefs.  Furthermore, we can establish the thoughts we want in order to remake our lives.  So…




Resources to Help You

Who Am I?

Our first and most important task in a world-changing mission is to learn how to think straight (and teach straight thinking) and combat the insurgence of crooked thinking in our culture and in our world today. If we become passive victims of this crooked way of thinking, we promote it. Furthermore, if we remain silent, we also give it credence. In Who Am I?the reader progresses from how we have become “crooked thinkers” to how to break out of this prison of the mind to become instruments of change for a better world.  We do this by recognizing from where we derive our value as humans. “Build a straight and powerful mind.” ~ Ray W. Lincoln


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Lean into the whole truth.  Discover the truth of who YOU are — the “Real You” — and who your children truly are.  Discover how to best engage your children in finding the whole truth.  INNERKINETICS, Your Blueprint to Excellence


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