“Feelers” Think, Too!
“Do Fs ever think?” ponder the Ts. Yes, they do, but not without feeling. Feelings are front and center to the Fs, demanding attention, coloring decisions with their judgments, showing
Continue reading“Do Fs ever think?” ponder the Ts. Yes, they do, but not without feeling. Feelings are front and center to the Fs, demanding attention, coloring decisions with their judgments, showing
Continue reading“Do they have any?” wonder the Fs. Yes, logical thinkers have emotions! Everyone has emotions — and uses them. However, Ts (“thinkers”) place their emphasis in decision making on analysis
Continue reading“Thinkers versus feelers” (T or F) is a way of differentiating between two ways of judging the information we gather from the world around us and within us. Thinkers favor
Continue readingFrom the world of the S’s practical emotions, we move to the world of the N’s intuitive and secretive emotions. Theirs is the inside world, where inside information receives dominant
Continue readingAll temperaments experience the same emotions — but differently. To compare emotions of the different temperaments, we are breaking things down to compare emotions in each of the pairs of
Continue readingSensing and intuiting (S or N) are two different ways for gathering information from the world around us. Both have emotions that drive them. These two ways of being informed
Continue readingIt is a testimony to the power and purpose of our positive emotions that they can energize us so easily. Pause and think of the opposite: the negative emotions that
Continue readingEmotions both power and drain the introvert. Although, it seems they are only drained — and more often and with greater speed. First, in the introvert emotional world, their battery
Continue readingThe letter “E” or “I” in a temperament profile describes our extrovert/introvert energy source and how it is replenished. Extroverts energized chiefly from people and things outside of themselves, whereas
Continue readingThe word temperament suggests emotion to most people. Some would even insist that temperament is emotion. When we describe a person as having a strong temperament, we mean someone who
Continue readingCould emotions be the power source of the mind? Is that why they drive us and our actions so easily? They get the first shot at all incoming messages and
Continue readingFor some, to think clearly when they are emotionally stirred is a major concern, so we need to try to understand the issue better. They (the NT, in particular) have become
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